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Korean Teacher's Podcast Ep7. Must visit places in Busan, Travel Korean

by Prof. Crystal Kim 2024. 6. 22.




오늘은 한국에서 두 번째로 가장 큰 도시인 부산에 대해 이야기해보자.
Today let’s talk about Busan, the second largest city in Korea.

좋아요. 저는 서울 사람이고 엄마는 부산 사람이잖아요.
Great. I am from Seoul and, Mom, you are from Busan.

서울과 부산의 가장 큰 차이점이 뭐예요?
What is the biggest difference between Seoul and Busan?

부산에는 바다가 있어서 좀 더 자유로운 분위기지.
Busan has a sea, so it has a more free atmosphere.

서울은 높은 빌딩이 많아서 가끔 답답하잖아.
There are a lot of tall buildings in Seoul, so it feels stuffy sometimes.

맞아요. 저는 바다를 진짜 좋아하는데 서울에는 바다가 없어서 아쉬워요.
That's right. I really like the sea, but it's a pity that Seoul doesn't have one.

1. 부산에 가는 법 How to get to Busan


서울에서 부산까지 어떻게 가야 돼요?
How do I get from Seoul to Busan?

세 가지 방법이 있어. 버스나 기차를 타거나 비행기를 타면 돼.
There are three ways. You can take a bus, a train, or a plane.

뭘 제일 추천해요?
What do you recommend the most?

기차가 제일 편하고 좋아.
The train is the most convenient and good.

비행기는 공항까지 가야 되잖아.
With a plane, you have to go to the airport.

KTX를 타면 서울에서 부산까지 2시간 반이 걸려.
It takes two and a half hours from Seoul to Busan by KTX.

기차표는 인당 60,000원이야.
The train ticket costs 60,000 won per person.

버스는 등급에 따라 다른데 27,000원부터 57,000원까지 있고 4시간 정도 걸려.
The bus fare varies by class, from 27,000 to 57,000 won, and it takes about four hours.

맞아요. 기차는 화장실도 있고 와이파이도 돼요.
Right, The train has bathrooms and Wi-Fi.

핸드폰도 충전할 수 있어서 좋아요.
You can also charge your phone, so it’s nice.

저도 부산에 갈 때 기차를 탈래요.
I also want to take the train when I go to Busan.

좋아. 부산에 가면 뭐 하고 싶어?
Great. What do you want to do when you go to Busan?

잘 모르겠어요. 어디가 좋을까요?
 I'm not sure. Where would be good?

우선 제일 유명한 해운대를 추천할게.
First, I recommend the most famous place, Haeundae.

부산역에서 해운대에 가려면 버스를 타거나 지하철을 타면 돼.
If you want to get to Haeundae from Busan Station, you can take a bus or the subway.

일정이 짧고 다양한 곳에 가고 싶으면 시티투어버스도 추천해.
If your schedule is short and you want to see various places, I recommend the city tour bus.

제 친구는 서울에서 아침에 일찍 출발할 거예요.
My friend will leave Seoul early in the morning.


2. 해운대 (Haeundae)

부산에 도착하면 배고플 것 같아요.
They will probably be hungry when they arrive in Busan.

배고프면 해운대 전통시장에 가 봐,
If you’re hungry, go to Haeundae Traditional Market.

부산에서 제일 유명한 음식은 국밥과 밀면, 어묵이야.
The most famous foods in Busan are gukbap (rice soup), milmyeon (cold wheat noodles), and eomuk (fish cake).

전 국밥을 진짜 좋아해요. 아플 때 먹으면 에너지가 생겨요.
I really like gukbap. If I eat when I'm sick, I get energy.

아, 그런데 제 친구는 돼지고기를 못 먹어요.
Ah, but my friend can't eat pork.

그럼 국밥 말고 전이나 해산물, 국수 등 다른 것도 많으니까 걱정 마.
Then there are many other things like jeon (Korean pancake), seafood, and noodles, so don’t worry.

맛있겠다. 저는 밀면을 먹어본 적이 없어요. 냉면이랑 비슷하죠?
Sounds delicious. I've never tried milmyeon. It's similar to naengmyeon, right?

응. 면의 종류는 다르지만 다른 재료들은 거의 비슷해.
Yes. The type of noodles is different, but the other ingredients are almost similar.

한국인들이 부산에 가면 꼭 밀면을 먹는다고 들었어요.
I heard that Koreans always eat milmyeon when they go to Busan.

근데 제 외국인 친구들은 냉면을 별로 안 좋아해요.
But my foreign friends don't really like naengmyeon.

보통 면 요리는 따뜻하니까, 차가운 면을 안 좋아하더라고요.
Since most noodle dishes are warm, they don't like cold noodles.

그럼 칼국수를 먹으면 돼.
Then they can eat kalguksu (noodle soup).

칼국수는 따뜻한 면 요리야.
Kalguksu is a warm noodle dish.

그리고 부산은 호떡으로도 유명해.
Also, Busan is famous for its hotteok (sweet pancakes).

밥 먹고 후식으로 호떡을 먹으면서 시장 구경을 하면 정말 재밌겠다.
It would be really fun to have hotteok for dessert while exploring the market after a meal.

네. 그렇게 추천할게요. 밥을 먹고 어디 갈까요?
Yes, I'll recommend that. Where should we go after eating?

해운대 근처에 할 게 많아. 몇 가지 장소를 추천해줄게.
There's a lot to do near Haeundae. I'll recommend a few places.

원하는 걸 고르면 돼.
You can choose what you want.

우선 부산 시내를 한눈에 보고 싶다면 전망대에 가.
First of all, if you want to see the downtown of Busan at a glance, go to the observatory.

입장료는 인당 27,000원이야.
The admission fee is 27,000 won per person.

엘리베이터를 타고 100층까지 올라가는데 1분도 안 걸린대.
It takes less than a minute to go up to the 100th floor by elevator.

99층에는 세상에서 제일 높은 스타벅스도 있다고 들었어.
I heard there's also the highest Starbucks in the world on the 99th floor.

비가 오거나 날씨가 안 좋은 날에는 야경을 추천하더라.
They recommend the night view on rainy or bad weather days.

전망대에 한번 가 보고 싶기는 한데 27,000원은 좀 비싸네요.
I'd like to visit the observatory, but 27,000 won is a bit expensive.

해운대에 또 추천할 게 있을까요?
Do you have any other recommendations in Haeundae?

음..아, 요즘 해운대 열차가 SNS에서 인기가 많더라.
Hmm.. Ah, these days the Haeundae train is very popular on social media.

열차를 타면서 바다를 보는 건데 두 가지 종류의 열차가 있어.
You can see the sea while riding the train, and there are two types of trains.

친구랑 같이 간다면 캡슐 열차를 추천하고 혼자 간다면 해변 열차를 추천해.
If you go with a friend, I recommend the capsule train, and if you go alone, I recommend the beach train.

캡슐 열차는 편도로 2인 35,000원이고 해변 열차는 편도 1인 7,000원이야.
The capsule train is 35,000 won for two people one way, and the beach train is 7,000 won per person one way.

열차를 탄 후에 다시 해운대로 돌아오고 싶으면,

After riding the train, if you want to return to Haeundae, 


왕복 표를 사도 되고 해안가를 따라서 다시 걸어올 수도 있어.
you can buy a round-trip ticket or you can walk back along the coast.

참고로 해변 열차는 1층이고 캡슐 열차는 2층이라서 

For your information, the beach train is on the first floor, and the capsule train is on the second floor, so


캡슐 열차 전망이 더 좋아.
 the view from the capsule train is better.

특히 일몰 시간에 맞춰가면 아름다운 풍경을 볼 수 있는데 

Especially if you go at sunset time, you can see beautiful scenery, but


사람이 많아서 미리 예약해야 된대!
you need to book in advance because it's crowded!

열차를 못 탄 사람도 많대.
Many people can't ride the train because they didn't book in advance.

시간 있을 때, 온라인으로 미리 예매해야겠어요.
I'll book online in advance when I have time.

만약 표가 없어서 열차를 못 타게 되면 어떡하죠?
What if I can't get a ticket and can't ride the train?

그럼 해운대 근처 동백섬에 가면 돼,
Then you can go to Dongbaek Island near Haeundae.

바다를 보면서 여유롭게 산책할 수 있어.
You can take a leisurely walk while looking at the sea.

난 날씨가 좋을 때 가서 해운대의 바다와 마린시티의 전망이 진짜 멋있었는데, 

I went when the weather was nice, and the view of the sea in Haeundae and Marine City was really great, but 


구글 리뷰를 보니까 날씨가 흐릴 때는 바람이 많이 불어서 힘들대.
according to Google reviews, it's tough when it's windy and cloudy.

우와, 해운대에 할 게 진짜 많네요.
Wow, there's really a lot to do in Haeundae.


3. 광안리 (Gwangalli)

전 예전에 동생이랑 야경 보러 더베이 101에 갔었어요.
I went to The Bay 101 with my younger sibling to see the night view before.

거기서 보이는 마린시티 전망이 진짜 멋있더라고요.
The view of Marine City from there was really amazing.

홍콩에 가 본 적은 없지만 홍콩 느낌이었어요.
I've never been to Hong Kong, but it felt like Hong Kong.

맞아. 그리고 요즘은 광안리 요트투어도 많이 하더라.
That's right. And these days, many people go on yacht tours in Gwangalli.

밤에 타면 광안 대교의 야경도 볼 수 있고 폭죽도 터뜨려서 진짜 낭만적이야.
If you ride at night, you can see the night view of Gwangan Bridge and fireworks, which is really romantic.

보통 50분 코스고 인당 20,000원이야.
Usually, it's a 50-minute course, and it costs 20,000 won per person.

요즘은 매주 토요일 저녁 8시와 10시에 드론쇼도 하니까 

These days, they also have drone shows every Saturday at 8 and 10 PM, so 


시간 맞춰서 가면 요트에서 드론쇼를 볼 수 있어.
If you go on time, you can watch a drone show on the yacht.

해운대에는 관광객들이 많이 간다면 광안리에는 현지인들이 많이 간대요.
Tourists mostly go to Haeundae, while locals go to Gwangalli.

저녁에 가면 버스킹 공연하는 사람들도 많은데 분위기가 진짜 좋았어요.
If you go in the evening, there are many busking performances, and the atmosphere is really nice.


그럼 저녁은 어디서 먹을까요?
Then where should we have dinner?

해산물을 좋아하면 수산 시장에서 저녁을 먹으면 되고, 

If you like seafood, you can have dinner at the fish market, and


안 좋아하면 해변 근처 음식점에 가면 돼.
if you don't, there are restaurants near the beach.

요즘은 '밀락더마켓'이라는 곳이 핫플레이스예요.
These days, a place called "Millak the Market" is a hot spot.

예전에는 사람들이 광안리 해변에서 회랑 소주를 많이 먹었는데 

People used to eat raw fish and drink soju on Gwangalli Beach, but 


이제 거기서 술 마시는 게 불법이래요.
Now it's illegal to drink there.

그래서 요즘엔 사람들이 술 마시고 싶으면 밀락더마켓으로 간대요.
So these days, if people want to drink, they go to Millak the Market.

광안리에도 새로운 게 많이 생겼구나.
There are many new things in Gwangalli too.

낮에는 해운대, 밤에는 광안리가 좋겠네.
Haeundae during the day and Gwangalli at night would be great.


4. 문화마을 (Cultural village)

둘째 날은 시장이나 문화마을을 추천해.
On the second day, I recommend visiting markets or cultural villages.

특히 부산에는 아픈 역사를 가진 장소들이 많아.
Especially in Busan, there are many places with painful history.

1950년에 한국 전쟁이 있었잖아.
There was the Korean War in 1950.

그때 북한이 서울을 공격하면서 사람들이 부산까지 피난 갔었어.
At that time, when North Korea attacked Seoul, people fled to Busan.

그래서 피난민들이 힘들고 가난하게 부산에서 살았었는데 그곳이 감천문화마을이야.
So the refugees lived in Busan in a hard and poor way, and that place is Gamcheon Culture Village.

문화마을에 가기 전에 국제시장이 있는데 거기도 한번 가 봐.
Before going to the cultural village, there's Gukje Market, so go there too.

길거리 음식도 많고 한국 영화의 배경으로 많이 나왔었어.
There are many street foods, and it has appeared in many Korean movies.

거기 예전에 가 봤어요.
I've been there before.

마을은 예뻤는데 언덕이 많아서 다리가 아팠어요.
The village was pretty, but there were many hills, so my legs hurt.

운동화를 꼭 신어야 될 것 같아요.
You definitely need to wear sneakers.

그래도 중간에 예쁜 카페들이 있어서 거기서 쉬었어요.
But there are pretty cafes in the middle where you can rest.

만약에 걷는 게 힘들거나 바다를 더 보고 싶다면 

If it's hard to walk or you want to see the sea more, 


흰여울문화마을도 추천해.
I recommend Huinnyeoul Culture Village.

거기도 예능이나 영화 촬영지여서 인기가 많고 사진 찍을 곳도 진짜 많아.
It’s also a popular filming location for variety shows and movies, and there are many great spots for photos.

요즘은 감천문화마을보다 흰여울문화마을이 인기가 더 많대.
These days, Huinnyeoul Culture Village is more popular than Gamcheon Culture Village.

거기 근처에 케이블카도 있다고 들었어요.
I heard there's a cable car nearby.

서울의 케이블카는 산을 올라가지만 부산 송도 케이블카는 바다 전망이어서 

Seoul's cable car goes up the mountain, but Busan's Songdo cable car has an ocean view, so


완전히 다른 느낌일 것 같아요.
it will feel completely different.

맞아. 케이블카도 두 가지 종류가 있는데 

Right. There are two types of cable cars, and


일반 케이블카는 편도 13,000원, 왕복 17,000원이고 
The regular cable car is 13,000 won one way and 17,000 won round trip, and


크리스탈 케이블카는 편도 17,000원, 왕복 22,000원이야.

The crystal cable car is 17,000 won one way and 22,000 won round trip.

뭐가 달라요?
What's the difference?

크리스탈 케이블카는 바닥도 투명해서 바다가 보여.
The crystal cable car has a transparent floor, so you can see the sea.

개인적으로 크리스탈 케이블카가 더 좋은 것 같아.
Personally, I think the crystal cable car is better.

시장에서 문화마을까지 보려면 엄청 많이 걸어야겠네요.
You will have to walk a lot to get from the market to the cultural village.

다리가 너무 아플 것 같아요.
Your legs will hurt a lot.


5. 찜질방 (Jjimjilbang)

그럼 찜질방에 가서 쉬면 돼.
Then you can relax at a jjimjilbang (Korean spa).

오! 제 친구가 한국 드라마를 좋아해서 찜질방에 가 보고 싶다고 했어요.
Oh! My friend loves Korean dramas and wants to visit a jjimjilbang.

광안리 근처 신세계 백화점에 스파랜드라는 곳이 있어.
There's a place called Spaland in the Shinsegae Department Store near Gwangalli.

입장료는 인당 23,000원이고 아침 9시부터 밤 11시까지 운영해.
The admission fee is 23,000 won per person and it is open from 9am to 11pm.

주말에 가면 사람이 너무 많아서 평일에 가는 게 좋아.
It's better to go on weekdays because there are too many people on weekends.

목욕탕과 찜질방이 있는데 목욕탕에서는 옷을 다 벗어.
There's a bathhouse and a jjimjilbang. In the bathhouse, you take off all your clothes.

만약 옷을 벗는 게 불편하면 찜질방 옷으로 갈아 입고 

If you're uncomfortable taking off your clothes, you can change into jjimjilbang clothes, and


사우나만 하면 되니까 걱정 마.
you can use only the sauna, so don't worry.

호텔처럼 수건과 샴푸, 바디워시, 로션, 헤어 드라이기가 다 있으니까 

Like a hotel, they have towels, shampoo, body wash, lotion, and hair dryers, so


가져 갈 필요도 없어.
 you don't need to bring anything.

저는 찜질방에서 먹는 라면이 제일 맛있어요.
I think the ramen I eat at jjimjilbangs is the best.

찜질방 안에 음식점도 있고 카페나 휴게실도 있어서

There are restaurants, cafes, and rest areas inside jjimjilbangs, so


푹 쉬기 좋은 것 같아요.
 it's a great to relax.

그리고 이제 숙소로 돌아가서 쉬면 될 것 같아요.
And then you can go back to your accommodation and rest.

와, 이렇게 벌써 이틀이 다 지나갔네요.
Wow, the two days have already gone by like this.

서울에서는 전통적인 장소를 많이 추천했었는데 

We recommended many traditional places in Seoul, but 


부산에도 그런 곳이 있어요?
are there such places in Busan as well?

부산에도 당연히 있지.
Of course, there are such places in Busan.

보통 한국에 절은 산에 있는데 해동용궁사는 바다에 있어.
Usually, temples in Korea are in the mountains, but Haedong Yonggungsa Temple is on the sea.

해동용궁사라는 절이 있는데 바다에 있어.
There's a temple called Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, and it's by the sea.

버스를 타고 갈 수도 있지만 택시 타고 가는 걸 추천해.
You can take a bus to get there, but I recommend taking a taxi.

입장료는 없고 새벽 4시 반부터 열어서 일출을 보는 것도 좋아.
There's no entrance fee, and it opens from 4:30am, so it's good to see the sunrise.

근데 부산 일정이 짧아서 1박 2일만 여행할 수 있다면 

If the schedule in Busan is short, and you can only travel for 1 night and 2 days, 


어디를 추천할 거예요?
where would you recommend?

개인적으로 꼭 가 봐야 하는 장소는 감천문화마을이랑 국제 시장, 해동용궁사, 광안리인데, 

Personally, the must-visit places are Gamcheon Culture Village, Gukje Market, Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, and Gwangalli, but 


가깝지 않아서 대중교통 보다는 시티투어 버스나 택시를 추천해.
they are not close to each other, so I recommend a city tour bus or a taxi rather than public transportation.

부산도 커서 버스나 지하철로 이동하면 시간이 오래 걸리거든.
Busan is also big, so it takes a long time to get around by bus or subway.

친구랑 같이 가면 택시가 낫고 

If you go with a friend, a taxi is better, and


혼자 가면 비싸니까 시티투어 버스가 좋겠네요.
if you go alone, it's expensive, so the city tour bus is good.

맞아. 시티투어 버스는 인당 20,000원이고 2층버스야.
Right. The city tour bus costs 20,000 won per person, and it's a double-decker bus.

매주 월요일과 화요일에는 쉬니까 일정을 미리 확인해 봐.
It's closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, so check the schedule in advance.

부산에 할 게 많아서 1박 2일은 진짜 힘들겠어요.
There's so much to do in Busan that 1 night and 2 days will be really tough.

최소 2박 3일은 있어야 될 것 같아요.
I think you need to stay at least 2 nights and 3 days.

엄마 덕분에 친구한테 유용한 여행 정보를 알려줄 수 있을 것 같아요.
Thanks to you, I think I can give useful travel information to my friend.

그리고 부산 여행 이야기를 하다 보니까 저도 부산에 가고 싶어졌어요.
And as we talked about traveling to Busan, I started wanting to go to Busan too.

그래. 한국에 오면 같이 가자. 건강하게 잘 지내!
Sure. Let's go together when you come to Korea. Stay healthy and take care!


