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Korean vs English, What's the difference?

by Prof. Crystal Kim 2024. 7. 3.


You can download the Korean Calender (July) here 

오늘은 초급 학생들을 위해 한국어와 영어의 차이점에 대해서 이야기해 봐요.
Today, for beginner students, let's talk about the difference between Korean and English

좋아. 먼저 가장 큰 차이점은 문장 순서야.
Good. First of all, the biggest difference is the sentence order.

영어에서는 주어-동사-목적어 순이지만 
In English, the order is subject-verb-object, but
한국어에서는 보통 주어-목적어-동사 순이야.
in Korean, it's usually subject-object-verb.

맞아요. 한국어에서는 동사를 가장 나중에 말해요.
Right. In Korean, the verb comes at the end.

그리고 문장 순서도 바꿀 수 있어요.
And you can change the setence order.

예를 들면 "저는 토요일에 친구를 만나요"를 
For example, "On Saturday, I meet my friend" 
"저는 친구를 토요일에 만나요" 라고 쓸 수 있어요.
For example, "On Saturday, I meet my friend", you can write as  "I meet my friend on Saturday" 

맞아. 그리고 문장 순서를 바꾸면 주어나 목적어가 뭔지 헷갈릴 수도 있잖아.
Rght. And if you change the sentence order, you may get confused about what the subject or object is.

그래서 조사를 사용해. 
That's why we use particles. 
주어를 표시할 때는 "은,는,이,가", 목적어를 표시할 때는 "을,를"를 사용해.
When indicating the subject, we use "은,는,이,가", and when indicationg the the object, we use "을,를".

또 한국어에서는 주어나 목적어를 생략할 수도 있잖아요.
Also, in Korean, you can omit the subject or object.

예를 들면 "토요일에 친구를 만나요"나 "토요일에 만나요" 이렇게 말할 수 있어요.
For example, you can say "meet my friend on Saturday" or "meet on Saturday."

맞아. 그런데 영어에서는 주어와 목적어를 생략하지 않아.
Right. But in English, you don't omit the subject or object.

또 영어나 스페인어는 주어에 따라 동사가 바뀌잖아.
And in English or Spanish, the verb changes depending on the subject.

그런데 한국어에서는 "저는 집에 가요", "엄마는 집에 가요", "친구들은 집에 가요" 처럼 
But, in Korean, such as “I am going home,” “Mom is going home,” and “My friends are going home.”
주어의 성별이나 수가 달라도 동사는 같아.
the verb is the same even if the gender or number of the subject is different.

한국어에서는 주어에 따라 동사가 변하는 게 아니라 발음에 따라 변해요.
In Korean, verbs change not according to the subject, but according to pronunciation.

외국어를 공부할 때 가장 어려운 점이 모국어랑 다를 때잖아요.
The most difficult thing about studying a foreign language is when it is different from your native language.

이런 차이점을 미리 알고 한국어를 공부하면 좀 더 쉬울 것 같아요.
I think it will be easier to study Korean if you know these differences in advance.

오늘도 유용한 문장을 알려줄까?
Shall we teach you some useful sentences today as well?

네. 좋아요.
Yes, Good.




핸드폰이 어디에 있어요?
Where is the cell phone?

가방 안에 있어요.
It's in the bag.

노트북이 있어요?
Do you have a laptop?

네. 노트북이 있어요.
Yes, I have a laptop.

사무실이 몇 층이에요?
Which floor is the office on?

It's on the third floor.

전화번호가 뭐예요?
What's your phone number?

It's 010-1234-5678.

마트에 가려면 몇 번 버스를 타야 돼요?
Which bus should I take to go to the mart?

105번 버스를 타야 돼요.
You should take bus number 105.

이 샌드위치는 얼마에요?
How much is this sandwich?

It's 5500 won.

언제부터 한국어를 배웠어요?
Since when did you learn Korean?

작년부터 배웠어요.
I've learned it since last year.

뭐 하고 있었어요?
What were you doing?

집에서 쉬고 있었어요.
I was resting at home.

지금 뭐 입고 있어요?
What are you wearing right now?

반팔 티셔츠를 입고 있어요.
I'm wearing a short-sleeve t-shirt.

커피를 자주 마셔요?
Do you drink coffee often?

예전에는 커피를 매일 마셨는데 지금은 끊었어요.
I used to drink coffee every day, but I quit now.

Are you a student?

아니요. 저는 회사원이에요.
No, I'm an office worker.

오늘 시간 있어요?
Do you have time today?

아니요. 시간이 없어요. 바빠요.
No, I don't. I'm busy.

블랙핑크를 알아요?
Do you know BLACKPINK?

아니요. 몰라요.
No, I don't.

토요일에 일해요?
Do you work on Saturdays?

아니요. 토요일에는 일 안 해요.
No, I don't work on Saturdays.

집에서 회사가 멀어요?
Is your house far from the office?

아니요. 멀지 않아요. 가까워요.
No, it's not far. It's close.

매운 음식을 좋아해요?
Do you like spicy food?

아니요. 매운 음식을 못 먹어요.
No, I can't eat spicy food.

중국어를 할 수 있어요?
Can you speak Chinese?

아니요. 중국어를 할 수 없어요.
No, I can't speak Chinese.

무슨 음식을 먹고 싶어요?
What food do you want to eat?

햄버거랑 피자를 먹고 싶어요.
I want to eat a hamburger and pizza.

이 사람은 누구예요?
Who is this person?

한국의 축구 선수 '손흥민'이에요.
He is Son Heung-min, a soccer player from Korea.

이 책은 누구 거예요?
Whose book is this?

제 거예요.
It's mine.

보통 몇 시에 자요?
What time do you usually go to bed?

밤 11시에 자요.
I go to bed at 11 PM.

한국에 언제 갈 거예요?
When are you going to Korea?

내년에 갈 거예요.
I will go next year.

이번 주 일요일에 몇 시에 만나요?
What time do we meet this Sunday?

오전 10시에 공원에서 만나요!
Let's meet at the park at 10 AM!

서울에서 부산까지 얼마나 걸려요?
How long does it take from Seoul to Busan?

기차로 3시간이 걸려요.
It takes 3 hours by train.

누구한테 전화해요?
Who are you calling?

언니한테 전화해요.
I'm calling my older sister.

사과랑 오렌지 둘 다 드릴까요?
Would you like both an apple and an orange?

오렌지만 주세요.
Just give me an orange.

Would you like to order?

네. 비빔밥 하나, 양파 빼고 주세요.
Yes. One bibimbap, without onions, please.

목이 말라요. 물 있어요?
I'm thirsty. Do you have water?

반 밖에 없어요.
Only half left.

파티에 사람들이 많아요?
Are there many people at the party?

다섯 명밖에 없어요.
There are only five people.

시간이 얼마나 남았어요?
How much time is left?

10분 밖에 안 남았어요. 빨리 가야 돼요.
Only 10 minutes left. We have to go quickly.

시간이 얼마나 남았어요?
How much time is left?

1시간이나 남았어요. 충분해요.
There's one hour left. That's enough.

공항에 몇 시에 도착했어요?
What time did you arrive at the airport?

오후 한 시쯤 도착했어요.
I arrived around 1pm.

강아지가 인형처럼 예뻐요.
The puppy is as cute as a doll.

네, 그리고 천사같이 착해요.
Yes, and as kind as an angel.

분홍색과 하늘색 중에 뭐가 좋아요?
Which do you like better, pink or sky blue?

분홍색이 하늘색보다 더 좋아요.
I like pink more than sky blue.

봄이 좋아요, 여름이 좋아요?
Do you like spring or summer?

여름보다 봄이 더 좋아요.
I like spring more than summer.

이번 주 금요일에 뭐 할 거예요?
What are you going to do this Friday?

저는 금요일마다 한국어 수업이 있어요.
I have a Korean class every Friday.

어제 뭐 했어요?
What did you do yesterday?

친구랑 커피를 마시고 영화를 봤어요.
I had coffee with a friend and watched a movie.

주말에 보통 뭐 해요?
What do you usually do on weekends?

드라마를 보거나 운동을 해요.
I watch dramas or exercise.

회사가 어때요?
How is your company?

일은 많은데 월급은 적어요.
There's a lot of work, but the salary is low.

집에 언제 왔어요?
When did you come home?

1시간 전에 왔어요.
I came home an hour ago.

자기 전에 뭐 해요?
What do you do before going to bed?

누워서 유투브를 봐요.
I lie down and watch YouTube.

회의가 몇 시에 시작해요?
What time does the meeting start?

1시간 후에 시작해요.
It starts in an hour.

몇 살 때 처음으로 일했어요?
At what age did you first work?

20살 때 했어요.
I did it when I was 20.

일할 때 핸드폰을 자주 사용해요?
Do you use your phone often while working?

네. 전화를 많이 해요.
Yes, I call a lot.

어제 많이 바빴어요?
Were you very busy yesterday?

네. 그래서 샌드위치를 먹으면서 일했어요.
Yes, so I ate a sandwich while working.

지금 뭐 해요?
What are you doing now?

드라마 보면서 밥 먹어요.
I'm eating while watching a drama.

팀장님이 어디 계세요?
Where is the team leader?

지금 회의 중이세요.
He's in a meeting now.

2시에 도서관 앞에서 만나요.
Let's meet in front of the library at 2.

네. 지금 가는 중이에요.
Okay. I'm on my way now.

우산이 있어요?
Do you have an umbrella?

아니요. 우산을 사자마자 잃어버렸어요.
No, I lost it right after buying it.

왜 전화를 안 받았어요?
Why didn't you answer the phone?

집에 도착하자마자 잤어요.
I fell asleep right after getting home.

오늘 몇 시간 동안 공부했어요?
How many hours did you study today?

2시간 동안 공부했어요.
I studied for two hours.

술을 마셔요?
Do you drink alcohol?

술을 끊은 지 한 달 됐어요.
It's been a month since I quit drinking.

한국어를 배운 지 얼마나 됐어요?
How long have you been learning Korean?

한국어를 배운 지 1년 됐어요.
It's been a year since I started learning Korean.

올해 한국에 갈 거예요?
Are you going to Korea this year?

아니요. 비행기표가 너무 비싸서 갈 수 없어요.
No, the plane ticket is too expensive, so I can’t go.

쿠키를 만들 줄 알아요?
Do you know how to make cookies?

아니요. 만들 줄 몰라요.
No, I don't know how to make it.

한국어를 잘 하고 싶어요.
I want to be good at Korean.

그럼 한국어 팟캐스트를 들으세요. 그리고 문장을 외우세요.
Then listen to Korean podcasts and memorize sentences.

퇴근 시간에 길이 막힐까요?
Will there be traffic jams during rush hour?

네. 버스를 타지 마세요. 지하철을 타세요.
Yes. Don't take the bus. Take the subway.

이 영화 재밌어요?
Is this movie interesting?

아니요. 보지 마세요. 재미 없어요.
No, don't watch it. It's not interesting.

제주도에 가려면 비행기를 타야 돼요?
Do I have to take a plane to Jeju Island?

네. 7월에는 사람이 많으니까 비행기표를 미리 예약하세요.
Yes. There are many people in July, so book your tickets in advance.

한국 여행을 할 때, 한국어를 못 해도 돼요?
When traveling to Korea, is it okay to not speak Korean?

네. 그런데 조금 불편할 거예요.
Yes(You don't have to) but it might be a little inconvenient.

이거 환불할 수 있어요?
Can I get a refund for this?

네. 그런데 영수증이 있어야 돼요.
Yes, but you need a receipt.

책을 사야 돼요?
Do I have to buy the book?

아니요. 안 사도 돼요. 이메일로 보내 줄게요.
No, you don't. I'll send it to you by email.

